We have been through so many layers of abuse in this life time and in many others. If you had a physical or intense emotional abuse it is often easier to identify them as abuse and look into it but when there are subtle and continuous abuse you do not recognize it or disregard it as something you can handle or don’t want to look at, especially if it is coming from a people who are “valuable” to you. How many times have you been gaslighted? Have many times have you felt like your being was negated? All of those experiences get locked into our physical bodies and we also carry memories of abuse from many lifetimes through our energetic bodies. Every time we also negate ourselves, judge ourselves we perpetuate that abuse onto us. Access Abuse Hold unlocks those layers of abuse from your body.
Book Your Session NowHow does a session work?
The session needs to be in person. There is Issues of Abuse class recordings in mp3 format that is available to purchase and download from the link below:
Issues of Abuse class recordingsFirst you need to listen to it at least 30 times. It starts to bring up the energies of abuse that you carry. And after your last listening you take the Abuse Hold session.
Abuse Hold Session for Transforming Trauma
It is better to book an in person session in advance before you finish listening when you know you will listen to the recordings. There might be things that get triggered and you would like to get the session right away. The session releases the conscious and subconscious memories of abuse. There is no talking. It is an intimate and vulnerable session where the facilitator lies down sideways together with the client and embraces from back holding hands and touching the sole of feet. So please be aware of that – this is only required for the Abuse Hold sessions. It is quite a liberating session where you thought you were not abused but actually were all comes out and gets unlocked and released.