What is past life regression?
As the meaning suggest this modality deals with an issue a person has or has been living with by regressing to the past where the problem has originated.

regression therapy
what is it all about?
Current life regression and past life regression are two different approaches within regression therapy.
While both approaches involve regression techniques and the exploration of subconscious memories, current life regression focuses on the current lifetime, while past life regression extends beyond the present into previous lifetimes.
current life regression
Current life regression focuses on exploring and resolving traumas, experiences, and events from an individual's current life, starting from the pre-natal stage, birth, infancy, and childhood. It aims to uncover and heal buried memories and emotions that may be influencing their present-day challenges and behaviors.
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The Current Life Regression work, like the Past Life Regression, is based on the principle of going to the root of the records, experiences and traumas hidden in the person’s subconscious. We look at important events starting from the pre-natal period, birth, infancy, childhood and events that affect the person deeply and work on transformation. Some traumas in our lives are cognitively remembered, while others – especially in the womb and infancy – are hidden in the subconscious. In the memories that are remembered, feelings and thoughts may be suppressed sometimes, as a defense mechanism. However, even though they seem to be covered up they continue to affect our daily lives. The purpose of regression therapy is to face the inner reality so that what we have buried deep can come to light and be healed.
Possible experiences that may effect a person’s psyche in current life:
- Unwanted pregnancy, unexpected gender and conflict of parents on each situation
- Traumas the mother went through while pregnant
- Events in the family while in the womb
- Premature birth, problematic birth, experience in the incubator
- Severe illnesses in infancy and childhood
- Loss of a loved one
- Psychological or emotional abuse
PS: The Current Life Regression does not replace your medical or psychological treatment.
past life regression
On the other hand, past life regression delves into earlier lifetimes that a person may have lived, exploring the emotional, physical, and mental traumas, as well as unfinished business and relationships from those past lives. It aims to understand the root causes of present-day issues by accessing and resolving the influences from past lives.
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As the meaning suggest this modality deals with an issue a person has or has been living with by regressing to the past where the problem has originated.
Presenting psychological and health issues, behavior patterns, patterns in our close relations and in our lives, sabotaging character traits, convictions like “I can never get it right!” all have causes related to our past. Regression focuses on the current issue and looks for the originating past event to understand the root cause and transform it at its origin which releases the subconscious hold of that record in the present life.
Many of our current issues stem from past lives that has emotional, physical and mental traumas, unfinished business, regrets, problematic relationships. Past Life Regression is an effective tool for depression, phobias, anxiety, unexplainable pains, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress, obsessive thoughts and much more.
We don’t only carry traumas and problems but also talents and positive aspects. Some positive aspects and talents are so hidden under the shadow of the past burdens that, they may emerge in our lives only when the sabotage of the past, wrong convictions and fears are removed from the way. Sometimes if a person’s current life carries a lot of past traumas, then we may decide to work on the current life first, which will start at the pre-natal stage.
Regression is a wonderful technique, where all else fails it may help solve problems. Whereas it may not work for people who have no connection to their own body or emotions and who are overly analytical. It may not help those who subconsciously or consciously believe they have secondary gains through the label of their issues.
Another therapeutic aspect of Past Life Regression is that it dissolves the fear of death, since we see ourselves living many lives before and that our soul continues in consciousness.
A typical session lasts about 2-3 hours. It may seem longer than some other modalities but most often only a few sessions are enough for one issue. The number of sessions needed would depend from one person to another according to how deep the issue is embedded and how many layers it may have in a persons psyche, the person’s spiritual openness and where necessary, determanism to apply what has been learned through the session, into his/her life.
Belief in reincarnation is not necessary to benefit from a Past Life Regression, but an open mind is. You can assume that a metaphoric story lives inside of you which explains the issues you are struggling in your life, and after we work on that story the important thing is to see how the resolution of that story affects your daily life.
Some possible topics that we work about through Regression Therapy:
- Phobias
- Self Confidence İssues
- Problems within family and other close relations
- Work related problems
- Unexplainable body pains
- Anger issues
- Depression
- Recurrent dreams
- Addictions
- Fear of commitment
- Money related issues, blockages
- Psychological issues due to divorce, loss of a loved one , etc.
- Emotional Traumas
- Traumas occurring after psychological, domestic or sexual abuse
- Repressed childhood, pre-natal and birth traumas (through current life regression)
- Panic-Attacks
- Obsessive thoughts
- Victim psychology
- Guilt or shame
- Self sabotage
- Concentration issues
- Weight problems, eating disorders
- Lack of Motivation
PS: The Past Life Regression does not replace your medical or psychological treatment.
How we work
We work with the client eyes closed in a reclining position under light trance. Some people have a natural tendency to go deep in trance some on a lighter level. As long as we can access the forgotten memories the level will not matter. The story comes from you and the consultant acts as a moderator by guiding through the session via question and answer. After the story of the Past Life is discovered, we work through the issues i.e. sadness, loss, anger, traumas, wrong deeds, misunderstandings, etc., with techniques integrating psychodrama from Moreno, Gestalt from Fritz Perl, Reich’s Body Awareness, Transpersonal Therapy and Trauma Therapy developed by Bessel van der Kolk. Regression Therapy reaches further and heals deeper at physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels than most other approaches. During the session what is not expressed will be expressed, repressed emotions and thoughts will be taken out and dealt with so that freedom from them can follow. It is a false belief that if we overlook the past wounds the issues will not haunt us. What we suppress is already active in our lives without our conscious awareness of where they come from.
between lives spiritual regression
This method uses deep hypnosis to explore a person’s soul memories between the last past life and this life. Some memories include the final scene of the last past life, leaving the previous physical body.
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Many clients discover a spiritual family of souls they reincarnate with to work together over many life times. The client may find answers to their spiritual questions, review the progress of the soul through. Between Lives Spiritual Regression also helps understand the dynamics of our relationship with certain people. The session also contains the soul memory preparation to this current life and the process of choosing the body, and soul’s joining the baby’s physical body while still in the womb.
What it provides is an insight into our soul development, to understand our life path, deeper understanding of our soul as an eternal being, insight into our life purpose, understanding of our loving or problematic relationships.
Usually at least one, preferably two, Past Life Regression is needed before we can work on a Between Life Spiritual Regression.
With Light and Ease,
Aysegul Ash Sevil
PS: None of the work is to replace your medical treatment.
Most common positive results of Regression Therapy
Mental Clarity, mindfulness, self-knowledge, understanding people and oneself better, freedom limited beliefs, inner calm, self-acceptance, self confidence, restored empathy and positive emotions, disappearing of psychosomatic complaints like low energy, tensions, hypersensitivity, symptoms without medical explanation… and much more.